Goodwill Hunting in Raleigh

Another field trip to Goodwill. Always a fun experience.


goodwill barbie

Who remembers this? Home girl needs a drink.

Brass Leg Table

This table rocks! Keep the legs brass or spray paint a fun color!

Papasan Chair

This papasan chair was only $20 bones. I would recover that baby and go. Or elevate it like this person did here.

Questionable Glass

I did a double take on this vase. I don’t think it’s a vase.

Monky Lamp

Cheesy? Maybe. Or you could make it amazing like this person did.

Happy Thrifting!

Sidewalk Sale This Saturday to Support Note in the Pocket Organization!

One Love Interiors is always looking for ways to help our community! Are you looking for something to do this coming Saturday, March 15? Look no further! There is a wonderful sidewalk sale happening in North Raleigh that is for a great cause. Note in The Pocket is a non-profit organization that provides clothing to children in need who have been identified by various schools and social service agencies. They are oftentimes impoverished or homeless and need clothing to wear to school. Note in the Pocket accepts clothing donations all year long. The Sidewalk Sale is Saturday, March 15 from 8-2! They are selling overstock, off-season, and non-school appropriate clothing for $1.00 to $2.00!

If you follow this blog you know that thrifting is one of our favorite things to do! You never know what you might find at a clothing sale like this. You could find something fabulous to wear like I did here OR you might be able to create a one of a kind piece of artwork like I did here!

Disposable Camera, No Disposable Memories

This evening I turned on some 90’s music in my office/guest bedroom, sprawled on the floor and started to look through my box of photos dating from my pre-existence to recent times.

My photos are extremely precious to me. My tangible photo collection tapered off around 2006 when I started dating John and he uploaded everything to Kodak Gallery. Once it was there we never print them off much. Then we started posting to Facebook exclusively. No need to print, right? There is something so special about a real, old photograph. I am convinced some of them even smell like my old room. There is an assortment: glossy, Polaroids, matte, panoramics, tiny school photos, speckled “bad film” photos that I did not have the heart to throw out. I am sad for the kids growing up in the digital age who will never get to experience a disposable camera. It was such a thrill to pick up your photos from Wal-Mart or local drug store after receiving the phone call they were developed. The stuffed envelope with negatives attached was a treasure chest waiting to be opened. This reminds me of how excited I would get in 8th grade when I had a disposable camera. My friends and I took ridiculous photos at school, the high school football games, of boys when they were not looking (and of course we would hang them on the wall as if we were dating). What funny little weirdos we were. Those throw away cameras were like gold and each photo had to count because you only got 24 chances before the camera was “done”. What a let down it was when you gathered everyone in for a picture just to have the camera be out of photos!


At times I do wish we had the technology we have now so we could have captured more moments on film, but wouldn’t that desensitize us? Having only a handful of photos from 8th grade or high school really makes me appreciate them more. As I hold them in my hands, I stare at them for several minutes trying to remember what was happening or what we were doing. I inspect our questionable outfit choices, wonder what music was playing and who was dating who at the time. This triggers a stream of consciousness that sends me down memory lane. Sometimes I get sad, sometimes I laugh out loud, but always, I am grateful. Grateful for the good times and good friends/family that were part of my crazy life. Grateful for snapshots into a time when I was not so concerned with the future. Grateful there is proof that my friends and I wore dog collars for a brief moment in time (I told you we were funny little weirdos).


Photos are an everyday utility and just because it is so easy doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make them count more. Laugh often, cry just because you can and live every moment as if the camera is almost “done”.

There Are No More Treadmills!

Please note this is not an interior design post!

I used to be one of those people who would roll my eyes and mutter comments under my breath at the gym newbies the week after New Year’s Day. Every treadmill, elliptical and bike are taken and all I would see is a room full of new, neon workout gear and tennis shoes with the tread still intact. Why could they not make their fitness goal for some other time of year? People I would know would say “give them a few weeks and they will not be back”. I would agree while switching up my routine to accommodate the lack of machines.

Time has passed and these thoughts are sickening! Who was I to pass judgment? If anything, I should have embraced these people who were trying to make a change in their life. They made the decision (whether fleeting or not) to buy the new gym clothes, the shoes and the membership. They made the decision to drive from the comfort of their home and get into the gym for whatever reason (health, fun). If anything, the gym regulars should open their hearts and arms to these people. We should encourage them to stay. Help them with a foreign machine or ask them to join you in a class. After all, we were in their shoes once too. What kept you coming? Certainly not the annoyed stares of “gym regulars”. How wonderful would it have been for someone to introduce themselves to you, ask you about yourself and offer their help?

It is not easy to make a fitness change in life. My goal is to encourage everyone around me to make healthy decisions in the new year. I am very excited because I have a group of friends who have the Passport to Prana card that allows you to try a yoga class at over 30 different studios in the Triangle area. I need my group of friends to hold me accountable!

Side Rant: Yoga really is magical. You will probably hear me harp on it every now and again but it has become a huge part of my life and of my being. It has opened doors to a world of possibility. A world of peace and a world of gratitude. It has been rare to encounter people at a yoga studio who look annoyed you are taking up a spot. I almost always feel welcome and warmth from studios big and small. Why? Because yogi’s are happy people. Side Rant Over.

If you are starting a new health routine, good for you! You go Glen Coco!


Keep it up and keep your chin up. Don’t be intimidated by the rude people at the gym. For those of you feeling slightly annoyed by the newcomers, put yourself in their Nike’s for a moment and remember that was you at one time. And then go do a downward dog because your being an ass. Namaste Jerry.

Give Me That Nut

I tried to “class up” the classic Eazy-E song. Inappropriate? Probably.

I don’t know about you guys but I am excited for the holidays! This season will be slightly more stressful than most because I am taking real estate classes and my course test is December 18. I have been spending Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights in a classroom glowing with fluorescent tubes and dashed with Starbucks coffee cups. Though exhausting, the topic is very exciting. I am learning so much that I can connect with my job AND real estate interests. But sometimes I wonder about my sanity and why I would take the classes during the holidays. With that being said, I figure I should jump on the holiday train early so it doesn’t fly by without me realizing it.


Notice any of the cool, modern nutcrackers that are available these days? Take a peek at my favorites that are available online. Jazz up your holiday decor with a functional design piece. What is better? I did find this great tutorial on how to paint an original gangsta Nutcracker, here. Goodwill would be a great place to dig for one and give new life!

Off to go cruise down the street in my ’64. Peace.

What is One Love Interiors?

Hello world! Thanks for stopping by and reading my attempt at blogging 🙂 I blog every now and then at my job and am still trying to nail down SEO. I tried to start a personal blog a few years ago but it fizzled out quickly. They definitely take  a lot of work and effort so I promise to try and do better here…Image

What is One Love you ask? One Love Interiors is a side project I am working on. A small interior design company in Raleigh, NC who specializes in interior design consultation, e-design boards, space planning, finish boards and overall eclectic design. I don’t think I fit any specific design genre.

One Love’s style is focused on helping one make their love into their surroundings. Does that make sense? No you say! Sometimes it is hard for individuals to visualize their space…their dream kitchen, their perfect master bedroom…whatever. My goal is to learn about what they LOVE in life and helping translate that into a nurturing environment for them. 

Do you love traveling? Morocco was your favorite destination? Great! Let’s study Moroccan designs and incorporate those into your surroundings. Hold up. You like Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs (we do to!)? Perfect. Let’s find you a one of a kind acrylic painting highlighting this beautiful breed and frame it in a funky way. Life is short and you should surround yourself with people and surroundings you love. We are here to help make that happen in an affordable way. 

Wait. You live in Canada and really feel my vibe but are afraid geographic differences will make things difficult? No worries! We specialize in e-design boards and packages. With a little help from you, we can compile a comprehensive design scheme and plan catered to you and your home. For more information on how this is done, please visit

Okay, now that I have explained to you what One Love Interiors is, I will take time to tell you more about me, Ashley. In my next blog post…mwhahahaha..see what I did there? To be continued….