High Point Furniture Market 2014

I had the pleasure of attending the Fall High Point Furniture Market this year as One Love Interiors! It was so exciting getting my badge in the mail and putting it into my lanyard upon arriving. Sunday morning I woke up bright and early, hit up the Whole Foods for a vegan breakfast biscuit and almond latte, and hit the road to the Hot Pocket! The night before I made a list of the showrooms that I had to see first.

I always prefer Fall market to Spring for some reason. Maybe it is because the Fall is usually sprinkled with seasonal décor and there is a chill in the air that carries excitement! For those of you who don’t know what the market is, it is the largest home furnishings trade show in the WORLD! Right in our very own High Point (or as I like to call it, Hot Pocket, hmmmm).

One of my first stops was Global Views of course. I learned about GV when I was a designer for a hotel developer and Marriott always specified their products. it is funky, eclectic and global. I truly love every single thing they pump out! They have a brand called Worlds Away that was spot on in home accessories! Here is a photo slideshow of my time at Market. Join me next year and we can peruse the pretties and drink some mimosas at the same time.

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70’s Ranch Dressing : Master Bathroom Remodel in Raleigh

Here are updated Google Sketch Up Renderings for our master bathroom. These are just basics and don’t have all the rendering plugin bells and whistles but it gave a good idea of how it would layout. We are finished with the bathroom except for one glass shower shelf (that will fit into the shower wall recessed shelf). It could not have turned out better! Picture will follow!

Google Sketch Up Renderings of Master Bathroom

Google Sketch Up Renderings of Master Bathroom






Raleigh Habitat ReStore Field Trip



While running around one Saturday in May, I decided to stop by the local Raleigh Habitat ReStore off Raleigh Boulevard. I found some pretty great stuff that could be polished up and given a great home…follow me!





The gorgeous dress with curved drawers, brass pulled and plenty of storage would look amazing as is. You could also get crafty and paint it peacock blue, leave the brass plates and “dip” the feet in shiny gold paint.


They have added more upholstered goods which makes me nervous sometime but with some love and cleaning, you never know!


Ooh boy! Love the flame stich on this one!




I always thought it would be fun to take the tops off these and the bottom and use it as a terrarium or candle holder on a porch.


This looks just like the one I got at North Raleigh Ministries! A can of coral spray paint, paint the clear shelves gold on the underside and BAM!



This metal locker/cabinet has lots of character! Turn it into a back porch liquor cabinet or mount on casters and use as a bar cart.


This trusty drafting table was only $15.00! Even if you do not draw, you could display art on it in the corner of a large room.


It Has Character!

Old Farm HouseI have memories of sitting in the back seat of a well loved car gazing out the window and watching the world flash by while my Mom winded and whirled around the mountains. Every so often we would pass an old, decrepit house or barn and my mom would exclaim with so much enthusiasm I thought she had seen a bag of money on the side of the road, “look at that beautiful house”! Was there a home on the hill behind the sad building that I could not see? Was she looking across the street in the opposite direction? Was my lack of height preventing me from seeing this lovely structure? No. She was talking about the very house that looked straight out of a horror film. You know, where the zombies/vampires/murderers live while they plot their next kill. A house with paint peeling like your skin after the first sunburn of the season. A house where the shutters (what’s left of them) are hanging by a single nail, giving it a sad face like Munch’s “The Scream”. She was talking about the very house in front of us.

I would smirk and say with the confidence of youth “that is the ugliest house I have ever seen”!

“Why would you say that?”

She had the same answer every time. “It has character”. We passed so many old homes on trips to my grandmothers, to the beach trailer, to our local general store and the answer was always the same. It has character. I never fully understood what she saw in these rotten, porch hanging off the front, houses.

That is, until I got older and wiser.

After I started design school I quickly learned about houses and their structures. We learned about what influenced certain styles throughout history. We learned about the important events during that time that created a necessity for mud rooms or even fall out shelters for example. My education started to create an interest in “old” homes but it wasn’t until it started to happen in front of my own eyes did I see the beauty and what gives a home character. It is the people and stories that happened in these homes. Right before my eyes I started to look at my grandmothers house in a new way. The mint green tile and knotty pine walls that I always overlooked were so beautiful to me. They reflected a piece of history that can never be brought back. If only the walls could tell stories.

When walking around my grandfathers property you can see the Byland homestead of my grandma Grace in the distance. An old, two story, white house on the hill probably built in the 1800’s. At some point in the late 80’s, cows got into the house and destroyed it which is a shame. I need to make a point to go up to the house and take photos. My sister and I would sneak up there when we were younger and walk room to room, dodging cow patties on the floor. The walls were thin and the glass windows (when not broken) seemed to have morphed with time. It sits in the middle of the field, surrounded by grazing cows and yellow daffodils. This is beauty. My grandmother grew up in this home with several brothers and sisters. Waking up early to help with the farm and walking to school. Stories like these give a home character and you can tell when a home has a story to tell.

I brake for old houses now and I have turned into my mother. Don’t we all eventually turn into our mothers?

John and I knew we wanted an older house when beginning the home buying process 5 years ago. The very instant we walked into our current home, built in 1976, we knew it was the one. It wasn’t just the Ranch home qualities that we loved, it was the glow and warmth we felt when we walked in. The previous owners put love and time into fixing up and maintaining the home. It had stories to tell. For example, the skinny pantry door has children’s height marks penciled in all along the edge. I can’t wait to add our future children to it!

We need to appreciate and love the older homes in our communities. We need to band together and do everything we can to preserve them and the memories they hold. Check out the great Preservation NC website to learn more about historic preservation in our area.

All You Need is Love E-Design Board

Here is a Valentines Day inspired interior design board for your viewing pleasure. Can you believe everything is from Anthro or West Elm? You can have great style and design with product that is a click away!

All You Need is Love

Must Make Something Pretty Now

Oftentimes I will go into our guest room / office / storage place for all of Ashley’s junk and craft supplies and start to clean. As I start putting stuff away, I find other cool stuff. Stuff I have not seen in awhile. Frames and paint and markers and wreath forms and hole punches. All kinds of stuff that I am hoarding. You never know when I might need a half finished cork wreath, I mean, come on!

Today, I thought it might be a good time to clean the guest room (post holiday madness) and I found a plain white frame I bought from Target a few months ago. Our mantel is looking pretty bare and I wanted to bring in some dark blue that we have in our table runner and dining area drapes. Hmmm…what do I have that is dark blue that can be framed. I instantly went to my random fabric pile and pulled out an old dress that I grabbed from a friend before she donated it to Goodwill. It is a simple cotton dress from Old Navy and at one point I thought I could make a clutch or skirt out of it. The pattern is perfect I thought! So I went to work with my white frame and old dress.

Here are my subjects (ignore the beautiful stain on the carpet).


1. Take out the back of the picture frame and lay it against the portion of the dress you want framed. There were no seams in this particular section of the dress so it was perfect.

Frame Old Dress

2. Cut around the cardboard and iron flat.



3. Insert into frame.

DIY Framed Art

4. Boom. Fancy framed fabric in under 5 minutes. Knowing me I will probably switch it out when the weather gets warmer and when we re-do our living room (I am working on a materials board right now) but until then, my 5 minute art will make me happy.



Our mantel is very long and so styling it has not been very easy. I welcome any suggestions!

Now, do you think it would be inappropriate to wear this crotch-less beauty?
